Sourdough Hydration Calculator
Choose your flour option below – select “Single Flour” if you’re working with one flour, or “Multiple Flour Blend” if you’re combining various flours.
Important Notes:
- Overall hydration = (Total Liquid + Water from Starter) ÷ (Total Flour + Flour from Starter) × 100.
- In the Single Flour option, the recipe flour weight is entered directly.
- For blends, a weighted recommended hydration is calculated based on the mix.
- The starter/levain splits into flour and water based on its hydration percentage.
- Measure all ingredients in grams for best accuracy.
How to Use This Calculator:
- Select “Single Flour” or “Multiple Flour Blend” above.
- If using a single flour: choose it from the dropdown and enter its weight.
- If using a blend: add each flour (using the rows provided) and its weight. Use the “X” button to delete a row.
- Enter your liquid weight and sourdough starter details.
- Click “Calculate Hydration” – the calculator will compute overall hydration and compare it to the recommended range.